
As a general philosophy, Doc B’s Curiosities believes it is better to have one or two extraordinary things, than a thousand ordinary things. These extraordinary things must be exceptional however, in type, quality, and feel, and such is the service we hope to provide out customers.

At Doc B’s Curiosities, we tend toward natural fibers, stone, wood, and metal, but if a man-made product is incorporated into a product for some reason, it is only to increase the durability or comfort of the item, never for the sake of expense and making a few more cents of profit. We also believe in sustainability where it can be found, so if we have a choice between offering a product made by hand or one made by machine, guess which one we are going to choose? We think you, and our planet, are worth it.

Finally, if for some reason you don’t like one of our products, or found it flawed for some reason, or not matching our description, please let us know; we will make it right. We value you, and truly want to earn your loyalty and friendship as a customer.

From the Founder
The word weird originally meant having the power to control destiny. At some point you realize style and taste are not something you can simply buy, because the world will see through the facade right away. Style and taste are things you earn the right to have, principally because you have embraced your own weirdness.

Doc B.

Company Founder/World Traveler/Bomb Disposal Expert/Bass Player/Bartender/Casual Hero/Inveterate Story Teller

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Our Story
We hope you can travel the world collecting adventures, sleeping under the stars, and eating exotic food with the indigenous peoples of the lands you visit. If you can’t however, we want to help you feel like you have until you can. Our time has passed for adventuring, but we carry the memories with us through every product we offer, and want to pass them along to you.

Over the past decade the world has changed dramatically, an in our inaugural year, 2024, the world seems to be on fire, and not in the best of ways. War, famine, hatred, and global climate change threaten to cause death and destruction of a massive scale, and too many people, governments, and corporations are content to sit back and watch the world burn. At Doc B’s Curiosities, our pledge is to fight these maladies where possible, support the underdog and the oppressed when we can, and foster an awareness to our humanness and humanity through a shared love of life, beauty, caring, and a mutual respect for one another.

Clothing and Accessories

It seems as though walking around naked has gone somewhat out of fashion these days. If you are looking for something to cover up those naughty-bits in an interesting or unusual way, you’ve come to the right place. You can even find matching adornments if needed.

Home and Office

While it would be nice to lead the life of a vagabond or traveling minstrel, we must alas, seek coin from time to time, which usually requires a domicile and space in which to toil. While there, treat yourself to distractions, and dream of adventures to come, and lives lived past or future.

The Land of Misfit Toys

You’ve never seen one of these before, or you saw it once, but never again. You don’t need it, but you want it. How long will it be here? Who knows, but it is here now, so you’d better grab it while you can. Don’t let it be like that Russian leopard smuggler you were too afraid to marry!

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